So today the people I live with, via the Woman of the house, let me know that they are not pleased with my way of greeting.
They aren't pleased with much of what I do which consists of anytime I am home I stay in my room until I have to get some food from the kitchen. I don't like to sit in front of a television (though I watch tv shows) and I have a lot of work to do (at least in my head). But that is all besides the point. Apparently my greetings are not loud enough or long enough.
The people I live with are to put it as nicely as I can: batsh t crazy. I've dealt with that revelation and now it's just amusing. I'll go more in-depth about my living situation later. Just fyi if you are thinking about moving to LA or you wanna live in Los Angeles, be very careful who you decide to live with. People are seemingly sweet but can split open like an onion and it ain't pretty when it all unravels.
->->I am about to go on a full on rant about salutations, bitchy people and culture clashing.<-<-
I was out having a nice run around the neighborhood when the Woman interrupted. I mean she completely hijacked my peaceful exercise time under the guise of wanting to get her daily workout in. Whatever. I like when people workout so I didn't really mind. We ran for 2 minutes when she had to stop. Walking means talking, which is the last thing I want to do when I'm in the zone. I'm an admitted fitness freak. She wants to talk about her frustrations with her kids and blah blah blah. Her oldest son has sworn he will never return to the house (Way to go!) and she is wondering why. Suddenly she brings up the subject that "people" aren't happy with my greeting and how big it is in the Igbo culture(Maybe your controlling nature is why he won't come back). She's confronted me about this before but I'm just too busy living my life to remember. It's not disrespect on my part. There is just NO WAY that every time I enter a room, go to the kitchen or scratch my bum that I'm going to look around, smile, and ask how each person is doing. Does anyone do that? If so please let me know.
"Are we really arguing about salutations?"
Was the only thought I had. It wasn't really an argument though. Anytime there's an issue I just agree, smiling like the Cheshire cat. Her house her rules. I know I'm not an ogre. I'm very respectful or try to be. I take an interest when I can and always say hi when I see someone.
Besides these people SERIOUSLY have their priorities crossed. They are upset over a "hi" not properly done in a way that no one except them are privy to. But it's okay that every day one of their sons is on the brink of beating the other to a pulp. Very messed up priorities indeed.
Really if I am being petty or ridiculous I'd like to know. How important is it really how you greet people you see everyday?
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